Honda Genuine Engine Oils are the only oils that are approved of its performance and quality by Honda Research & Development (R&D) Japan. Honda engine oils are specially formulated by Honda R&D to provide maximum protection and prolongs Honda engines’ lifespan. The oils contain safe cleaning additives. Adhering to regular maintenance schedule can keep the engine clean. Only Honda Genuine Oils can give you a peace of mind.
Honda Genuine Engine Oils are the only oils that are approved of its performance and quality by Honda Research & Development (R&D) Japan. Honda engine oils are specially formulated by Honda R&D to provide maximum protection and prolongs Honda engines’ lifespan. The oils contain safe cleaning additives. Adhering to regular maintenance schedule can keep the engine clean. Only Honda Genuine Oils can give you a peace of mind.

Low Viscosity engine oil resists high temperature volatilisation (evaporation) better than other engine oils. Low Viscosity engine oil maintains peak fuel efficiency and reduces oil consumption and emissions.
Low Viscosity engine oil has better anti-wear performance than all other oils tested. With Low Viscosity engine oil, engine life can be extended and major repairs are often reduced.
Low Viscosity engine oil helps engines turn over easier and flows quickly to engine parts for critical start-up protection. Engines starts faster and wear is greatly reduced for extended engine life.
The low crank viscosity of Low Viscosity engine oil reduces drag on moving engine parts and allows engines to achieve critical cranking speed in extremely frigid temperatures. Engines turn over quickly and dependably in the coldest winter temperatures.
The high TBN of Low Viscosity engine oil allows it to effectively combat wear-causing contaminants and acids, providing superior protection and performance.
Main Bearing

Minimal abrasion and scratch marks.

Excessive abrasion and scratch marks.
Piston Case

Temperature of piston less carbon deposits.

Temperature of piston more carbon deposits causes sludge and engine problems.
Oil Seal

No damage as oil seal material and oil are matched.

May cause damage due to unmatched material which leads to leaking.

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