

We assure the quality of our Honda Certified Used Cars by providing trusted & transparent assistance which gives a peace of mind.

Below are some of the advantages you receive/are entitled to when you purchase a Certified Used Car from Honda:

  • Honda cars are guaranteed to be 5 years & below
  • Genuine Mileage verified by Honda of not more than 100,000km & below
  • Comprehensive inspection covering all 288 points by Certified Honda Inspectors
  • Fully maintained at Honda with no modifications
  • Free from flood-damaged vehicles or cut-and-joint vehicles
  • Complimentary 12 month Extended Warranty Package provided by Honda (Engine & Transmission only)
  • Refurbishment with Honda genuine parts only

It’s an extended warranty underwritten by an insurance policy on your vehicle, to safeguard against expensive, unforeseen repairs. It covers repairs for a period of 12 months or 20,000km whichever comes first.

  • Honda provides competitive trade-in value.

  • You will enjoy a seamless trade-in and purchase journey with the Honda Authorised Dealer functioning as a one stop center for all your Honda needs.

Your car will be physically inspected by a Honda certified used car inspector using a 288-point inspection checklist prior to valuation being quoted.

The valuation can be performed by visiting our Tiong Nam Motor (M) 3s Centre

No, the Honda Certified Used Car is applicable for Honda cars only.

Settlement amount will be used as a down payment for a new Honda car, or to settle any outstanding amount financed.

The valuation service provided is free of charge.